Introduction to the Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT)

Structure of an Unbiased Transistor


Doping Levels in a BJT

Emitter and Collector Diodes

Before and After Diffusion in a BJT

NPN and PNP Transistors


Key Points to Remember

Understanding the Biased Transistor


Emitter Electrons in a Biased Transistor

Flow of Base Electrons


Collector Electrons and Current Flow


Understanding Transistor Currents


Comparison of Transistor Currents

Relation of Currents (Kirchhoff’s Current Law)

DC Alpha (\(\alpha\))

DC Beta (\(\beta\))

Using Beta to Derive Currents

  1. Calculating Collector Current (IC): \[I_C = \beta_{dc} I_B\]

  2. Calculating Base Current (IB): \[I_B = \frac{I_C}{\beta_{dc}}\]

Transistor Connections Overview

Common Emitter Circuit

Voltage Behavior in CE Circuit

Double-Subscript Notation

Examples of Double-Subscript Voltages

Single-Subscript Notation

The Base Curve

Collector Curves


Collector Voltage and Power

Regions of Operation

  1. Active Region:

    • \(1 \, \text{V} \leq V_{CE} \leq 40 \, \text{V}\).

    • \(I_C\) constant, independent of \(V_{CE}\).

    • Emitter forward-biased, collector reverse-biased.

  2. Saturation Region:

    • \(V_{CE} < 1 \, \text{V}\).

    • Insufficient voltage to collect all free electrons.

    • Lower current gain (\(\beta_{dc}\)).

  3. Breakdown Region:

    • \(V_{CE} > 40 \, \text{V}\).

    • Transistor destroyed; avoid operation here.

Key Takeaways

More Collector Curves

Second Curve (\(I_B = 20 \, \mu A\)):

Measurement: Use a curve tracer to display \(I_C\) vs \(V_{CE}\).


Transistor Operating Regions Recap

  1. Active Region (Linear Region):

    • Amplification is possible; input signal produces proportional output.

    • \(V_{CE}\) range: \(1 \, \text{V} \leq V_{CE} \leq 40 \, \text{V}\).

    • \(I_C = \beta_{dc} \cdot I_B\).

  2. Cutoff Region:

    • \(I_B = 0\).

    • Small \(I_C\) due to collector cutoff current (\(I_{C(\text{cutoff})}\)):

      • Reverse minority-carrier current.

      • Surface-leakage current.

    • Example: For 2N3904, \(I_{C(\text{cutoff})} = 50 \, \text{nA}\).

    • Negligible impact in well-designed circuits.

  3. Saturation Region:

    • \(V_{CE} < 1 \, \text{V}\).

    • Base current dominates; low current gain \(\beta_{dc}\).

  4. Breakdown Region:

    • \(V_{CE} > 40 \, \text{V}\).

    • Transistor destruction due to excessive current.

Applications of Operating Regions

Key Observations for Transistor Curves

Recap and Insights

Transistor Equivalent Circuit Actual Transistor:


Ideal Approximation Features:

Collector Current: \[I_C = \beta_{dc} I_B\]



Second Approximation Features:



Higher Approximations Bulk Resistance Effects:

Other Higher-Order Effects:


Comparison of Approximations

Approximation Features Accuracy Use Case
Ideal \(V_{BE} = 0\) Low Troubleshooting, rough calculations
Second \(V_{BE} = 0.7 \, \text{V}\) (silicon) Moderate Most general-purpose circuits
Higher Includes bulk resistances, Early effect High (complex) High-power or precision applications

Key Takeaways

Introduction to the Load Line


The Graphical Solution

Graphing the Load Line

\[\begin{aligned} R_C &= 3 \, \text{k}\Omega, \, V_{CC} = 15 \, \text{V} \\ \textbf{Load Line Equation}:~I_C &= \frac{15 \, \text{V} - V_{CE}}{3 \, \text{k}\Omega}\\ V_{CE} = 0 \Rightarrow I_C & = \frac{15 \, \text{V}}{3 \, \text{k}\Omega} = 5 ~\text{mA} \\ I_C = 0 \Rightarrow V_{CE} & = 15 \, \text{V}. \end{aligned}\]

Visualizing the Load Line

The Quiescent (\(Q\)) Point

Key Takeaways

The Importance of the Load Line

The Saturation Point

The Cutoff Point

Comparing Saturation and Cutoff

Operating Point Condition Collector Current (\(I_C\)) Collector-Emitter Voltage (\(V_{CE}\)) Load Line Position
Saturation \(R_B \to 0\), \(I_B \to \infty\) Maximum (\(I_{C(\text{sat})}\)) Minimum (\(\approx 0\)) Upper end
Cutoff \(R_B \to \infty\), \(I_B \to 0\) Minimum (\(\approx 0\)) Maximum (\(V_{CE(\text{cutoff})} = V_{CC}\)) Lower end

Key Takeaways