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Master Inductor Connections: Inductances in Series and Parallel

Demonstrative Video

Inductances in Series and Parallel

Inductances in Series

The two coils may be connected in series in the following two ways:

  1. When their fields (or mmfs.) are additive i.e., their fluxes are set-up in the same direction. In this case, the inductance of each coil is increased by M i.e., Total inductance, LT=(L1+M)+(L2+M)=L1+L2+2M

  2. When their fields (or mmfs.) are subtractive i.e., their fluxes are set-up in opposite direction. s In this case, the inductance of each coil is decreased by M, i.e. Total inductance, LT=(L1M)+(L2M)=L1+L22M


Inductances in Parallel

The two coils may be connected in parallel in the following two ways:

  1. When the fields (or mmfs.) produced by them are in the same direction Total inductance, LT=L1L2M2L1+L22M

  2. When the fields (or mmfs.) produced by them are in the opposite direction Total inductance, LT=L1L2M2L1+L2+2M


Energy Stored in a Magnetic Field