Short-Transmission Line Solved Problems

Demonstrative Video


A 3-phase line delivers 3600 kW at a p.f. 0·8 lagging to a load. If the sending end voltage is 33 kV, determine

The resistance and reactance of each conductor are 5·31 \(\Omega\) and 5.54 \(\Omega\) respectively



A short 3-\(\phi\) transmission line with an impedance of (6 + j 8) \(\Omega\) per phase has sending and receiving end voltages of 120 kV and 110 kV respectively for some receiving end load at a p.f. of 0·9 lagging. Determine



An 11 kV, 3-phase transmission line has a resistance of 1·5 \(\Omega\) and reactance of 4 \(\Omega\) per phase. Calculate the percentage regulation and efficiency of the line when a total load of 5000 kVA at 0.8 lagging power factor is supplied at 11 kV at the distant end.



A 3-phase, 50 Hz, 16 km long overhead line supplies 1000 kW at 11 kV, 0·8 p.f. lagging. The line resistance is 0·03 \(\Omega\) per phase per km and line inductance is 0·7 mH per phase per km. Calculate the sending end voltage, voltage regulation and efficiency of transmission.
